Insulation Install and Removal

At Healthy Environmental, we specialize in top-tier insulation solutions, encompassing the meticulous installation and efficient removal of various insulation types, including blown-in, batting, and blanket insulation. With a dedicated team of skilled professionals and a commitment to excellence, we deliver tailored, energy-efficient solutions to enhance the comfort and sustainability of your space. Explore our range of services and experience the difference that quality insulation can make in your home or business.

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    Insulation Install Services

    The Importance of
    Insulation Removal

    Insulation plays a vital role in regulating temperature and energy efficiency in your property. However, over time, insulation can become damaged, contaminated, or less effective, necessitating removal. Common reasons for insulation removal include:

    Aging and Deterioration

    Insulation can lose its effectiveness as it ages, leading to temperature inconsistencies and increased energy costs.

    Mold and Pest Infestations

    Contaminants like mold or pest infestations can compromise the integrity of insulation and pose health risks.

    Renovation and Upgrades

    During property renovations or upgrades, insulation removal may be necessary to accommodate new construction.

    Safety Concerns

    In some cases, safety concerns, such as the presence of asbestos or vermiculite insulation, may require professional removal.

    Insulation Removal

    Our Comprehensive Insulation Removal Services

    At Healthy Environmental, we offer specialized insulation removal services tailored to various insulation types:

    Loose Fill
    Insulation Removal

    Our team is equipped to safely remove loose-fill insulation materials, ensuring your property is prepared for upgraded or new insulation.

    Batting and Blanket
    Insulation Removal

    If your batting or blanket insulation has become damaged or contaminated, we provide professional removal to restore your property's energy efficiency.

    Insulation Removal

    Vermiculite insulation, often associated with potential asbestos contamination, requires specialized handling. We are trained and certified to safely remove and manage vermiculite insulation.

    Insulation Removal

    For insulation affected by mould, we conduct thorough removal and implement remediation measures to prevent further mould growth.

    and Compliance

    Safety and compliance are our top priorities. We follow industry best practices and regulations, including handling hazardous materials like asbestos vermiculite with the utmost care.


    Determining when insulation requires removal is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient environment. Here are common signs that may indicate the need for insulation removal: visible damage from pests, mould growth, asbestos and renovations.

    & Removal

    We employ a systematic and careful approach to insulation removal, prioritizing safety and cleanliness throughout the process. Our specialized techniques ensure that your property is prepared for upgraded or new insulation. Our approach includes dust mitigation, high-powered systems for loose-fill, manual bagging, and post removal cleanup.


    Following insulation removal, we conduct an inspection to ensure all designated materials have been safely removed. Our commitment to a clean and safe removal process sets us apart. You can trust Healthy Environmental for expert insulation removal that prioritizes the health and well-being of your property and its occupants.

    Benefits of Our Residential
    Insulation Services

    Our Residential Insulation Services

    Attic Insulation

    Boost energy efficiency and maintain consistent indoor temperatures with our expert attic insulation services. Our team ensures that your attic space is properly insulated, preventing heat loss and reducing energy bills. Investing in attic insulation is one of the most impactful upgrades you can make for your home. Most homeowners can qualify for significant rebates ranging from $800 to $2000 back. This not only makes it a cost-effective improvement but also leads to substantial long-term savings on your energy bills.

    Wall Insulation

    Upgrade your home's thermal envelope with our professional wall insulation solutions. We use advanced materials and techniques to insulate exterior walls, creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient living environment.

    Floor Insulation

    Keep your home cozy and energy-efficient from the ground up. Our floor insulation services help to prevent heat loss through the floors, ensuring a comfortable living space for you and your family.

    Crawl Space Insulation

    Protect your home from moisture, mold, and energy loss with our crawl space insulation solutions. We employ high-quality insulation materials and moisture barriers to create a healthier and more efficient crawl space.

    Basement Insulation

    Upgrade your home's thermal envelope with our professional wall insulation solutions. We use advanced materials and techniques to insulate exterior walls, creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient living environment.

    We Specialize in Top-tier
    Insulation Solutions

    By choosing Healthy Environmental for mould remediation, you're making a proactive and responsible choice to protect the health and safety of all involved.